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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2014-06-29  瀏覽次數:0
  [13]Dittmann, Mang and Schneider. Bankers on the board of german firms: what they do, what they are worth, and why they are (still) there[J].Review of Finance ,2010,(14):35-71.
  [15]朱紅軍,何賢杰,陳信元.金融發展、預算軟約束與企業投資 [J].會計研究,2006,(10):64-71.
  Financial Development, Banking Dummies and Private Enteprise Loan
  CHEN Gongrong, XIE Peijun
  (School of Business Administration, Hunan University, Changsha 410082,China)
  Abstract:Based on an analysis of the empirical data of 957 private companies listed from 2010 to 2012, it shows that under the background of imbalanced financial development, private enterprises will obtain more loans through Bank dummies, particularly, the bank loans in those areas where financial development level is relatively low; the financial market regulators should further deepen the reform of the financial system, accelerate the process of financial liberalization in less developed areas, broaden the financing channels of private enterprises, and reduce the private enterprise financing cost.
  Key words:Financial Development; Banking Dummy; Bank loans
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