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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2014-06-29  瀏覽次數:0
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  Ownership, Industrial Policy Guidance and Bank Loan Interest Rate
  YE Jianguang,LI Yanhong
  (College of Economics, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632,China)
  Abstract:Whether industrial policy has value in the decision process of bank loan interest rate? This paper, based on the micro survey data of bank credit audit, studies the influence of industrial policy guidance on the nonlisted firm loan interest rate. The results show that: (1) the key supported firms and the generally supported firms with the industrial policy guidance always enjoy preferential bank loan interest rates, which indicate that commercial banks properly implement the industrial policy; (2) compared with privateowned enterprises, the stateowned enterprises which have a close relationship with the government get lower loan interest rate. To a certain extent, the credit decisionmaking of commercial banks illustrates the financial discrimination in the nature of ownership.
  Key words:Industrial Policy Guidance; Bank Loan Interest Rate; Ownership
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