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  Dose It Rely on Target Product or Supportive Service to Improve Customer Loyalty
  ——A Meta-Analysis on Customer satisfaction and Customer Loyalty
  LIN Ye-jin1,ZHANG Hong-na2
  (1.Yunnan University of Finance and economics,Kunming 300387,China;
  2.Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 100876,China)
  Abstract: It is a great marketing target of enterprise to cultivate the customer loyalty through improving customer satisfaction.Under the process of improving customer loyalty,different customer satisfaction aspect makes different sense.In this study,the meta-analysis is done to research the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty with 141 empirical researches which contain 21 Chinese researches and 120 foreign references and the total sample size is 72670.In this study,it draws the conclusion is that the first it is positive relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and the second is different customer satisfaction aspect has different influence to customer loyalty;target product satisfaction has deeper degree of influence than supportive service satisfaction to customer loyalty and the third is attitude loyalty is more sensitive with supportive service satisfaction,and behavior loyalty is more sensitive with target product satisfaction.
  Key words: target product satisfaction;supportive service satisfaction;customer loyalty
  [責任編輯 陳丹丹]
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