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  The Firm Efficiency which based on Metafrontier Model 
  and Corporate Performance
  CHEN Bo1,LIANG Tong-ying1,CHEN Xiu-de 2
  (1School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640;
   2School of Management,Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510520, Guangdong, China)
  Abstract:This article firstly analyzes the impact of the firm efficiency on corporate performance from the concept of the production function, Secondly, it selects 673 private listed companies from 2005 to 2010 unbalanced panel data as sample, by applying the Metafrontier model, estimates firm efficiency and technology gap, and then compares it with the firm efficiency estimated by the traditional methods At last, it tests empirically the effect of the firm efficiency on corporate performance The results of this study show that: (1) The production technology of different enterprises exist technology gap; it is too ideal to assume that all the enterprises face the same production boundary in the traditional efficiency estimation methods; (2) Given the production inputs, the production technology gap and the efficiency under the chose technology have a positive effect on corporate performance; (3) The firm efficiency of the optimal boundary has a positive impact on corporate performance; (4) After enterprises had chosen their production technology, and due to the limited energy of the manager, the technology gap and the efficiency under the chose technology is negatively correlated 
  Keywords:firm efficiency; efficiency of the optimal boundary; metafrontier; technology gap; corporate performance
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